类型 区域 地铁 租金
不限 写字楼 创意园 联合办公
不限 政务 蜀山 庐阳 包河 瑶海 高新 经开 滨湖 新站 北城
不限 1号线 2号线 3号线 4号线 5号线
不限 50元以下 50-80元 80-100元 100-150元 150-200元 200元以上
滨湖X X

PHPMyWind安全警告:MySql Error!

错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT count(*) as total FROM `pmw_infolist` WHERE delstate='' AND classid in(1,5) AND quyu='滨湖' AND (jiage_min>=8000 AND jiage_max>=8000) AND (jiage_min<= AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,43,121,136,141,21,132,201,209,83,212,245,116,216,56,146,14,34,49,30,17,51,76,125,196,60,131,3238,246,72,79,4,4112,238,140,71,4299,13,3239,32,27,181,4716,4712,4789,4809,4818,4831,4837,4787,4864,4869) AND (classid=1 OR classid=5) AND checkinfo=true

PHPMyWind安全警告:MySql Error!

错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT * FROM `pmw_infolist` WHERE delstate='' AND classid in(1,5) AND quyu='滨湖' AND (jiage_min>=8000 AND jiage_max>=8000) AND (jiage_min<= AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,43,121,136,141,21,132,201,209,83,212,245,116,216,56,146,14,34,49,30,17,51,76,125,196,60,131,3238,246,72,79,4,4112,238,140,71,4299,13,3239,32,27,181,4716,4712,4789,4809,4818,4831,4837,4787,4864,4869) AND (classid=1 OR classid=5 OR classid=21) AND checkinfo=true ORDER BY posttime DESC

PHPMyWind安全警告:MySql Error!

错误信息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,' at line 1 Error sql: SELECT * FROM `pmw_infolist` WHERE delstate='' AND classid in(1,5) AND quyu='滨湖' AND (jiage_min>=8000 AND jiage_max>=8000) AND (jiage_min<= AND jiage_max<=) AND id in(142,12,50,2,20,9,5,6,0,8,22,55,44,78,25,35,10,113,63,43,121,136,141,21,132,201,209,83,212,245,116,216,56,146,14,34,49,30,17,51,76,125,196,60,131,3238,246,72,79,4,4112,238,140,71,4299,13,3239,32,27,181,4716,4712,4789,4809,4818,4831,4837,4787,4864,4869) AND (classid=1 OR classid=5 OR classid=21) AND checkinfo=true ORDER BY posttime DESC limit 0, 12